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Sustainability, Our approach to sustainability
Sustainability, Search Back to menu Menu Close Explore Dubai Airports' commitment to sustainability through innovative practices that reduce environmental impact and promote eco-friendly travel
Search Back to menu Menu Close Redefining the guest experience through global innovation and sustainability. Interested startups should submit their proposals through the official Airports for Innovation website. Airports for Innovation is a pioneering global network of airports dedicated to fostering innovation and advancing the aviation sector through collaborative efforts, million passengers annually, to redefine the travel experience with a focus on sustainability and cutting
Airports Corporation; ‘DA S&S means Dubai Airports Safety & Sustainability Department ‘DCAA’ means, security pass issuance terms and conditions a v a ilable with DA Safety & Sustainability. 6.7 DA or its
and Sustainability department; ‘SDM’ means Senior Duty Manager-DWC; SMA means Senior Manager