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Travel with peace of mind

Travel with peace of mind

Simple tips for stress-free journey

Travel can sometimes be overwhelming, but with a few mindful preparations, you can turn your journey into a more comfortable and calming experience. Here are some expert-backed tips to help you manage anxiety, plan ahead, and stay grounded during your travels.

  • Prepare a travel comfort kit: Bring items that help you relax—such as noise-cancelling headphones, a neck pillow, or a favourite book—so you feel more comfortable and less anxious. (Source: WHO)
  • Set realistic travel expectations: Travel disruptions happen. Mentally prepare yourself for possible delays and focus on the aspects you can control, like your reaction. Having a backup plan can also help you manage stressful situations. (Source: APA)
  • Plan ahead to reduce stress: Create a travel checklist to ensure you don’t forget anything important. Being organised can significantly reduce pre-travel anxiety. (Source: APA)
  • Manage jet lag: To adjust to a new time zone, gradually shift your sleep schedule a few days before your trip and stay hydrated during your flight. Consider using an eye mask and earplugs to improve sleep quality. (Source: Mayo Clinic)
  • Bring familiar comforts: If you're prone to anxiety while travelling, bring something familiar from home—such as a favourite scarf or playlist—to create a sense of comfort. (Source: NIMH)
  • Set boundaries for digital connectivity: Limit your screen time during travel. Unplug from work emails and focus on the present moment to reduce stress. (Source: WHO)
  • Practice visualisation: If you feel anxious while travelling, try visualisation exercises. Close your eyes and imagine a calm, safe place. Focus on the sights, sounds, and feelings of peace. (Source: APA)
  • Utilise airport lounges: DXB offers a variety of lounges for relaxation. Take advantage of these spaces to calm your mind before or after your flight.
  • Stay present with grounding techniques: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, use grounding techniques like focusing on your surroundings—what you can see, hear, smell, and touch—to anchor yourself in the present moment. (Source: NIMH)
  • Travel at your own pace: Avoid overloading your schedule with activities. Plan for downtime, allowing space for relaxation and recovery between trips. (Source: WHO)
  • Pre-flight pampering: Unwind before your journey at one of Be Relax Spa or XpresSpa or Timeless Spa locations across DXB. Enjoy a massage or therapy, no matter your flight time. Choose from a variety of treatments to soothe your body and mind before embarking on your travels.

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